Change Your Future By Reframing Your Thoughts

AMY: Welcome to the Peaceful Entrepreneur podcast, where together we are finding peace in the process of everyday business ownership by improving one step at a time, how we think and what we do. I'm your host, Amy Stout.

If you are feeling down and in need of encouragement today, this is absolutely the episode for you. My friend Emma, founder of Because She's Whole, joined me today to share about the power of reframing your thoughts. How daily, seemingly little practices of gratitude and shifting your focus to the positive can add up and have such a gigantic effect on your life and your business.

Because whether we like to admit it or not, everything is connected. So it's important to get the foundation of our thought life in the right place because that is therefore going to affect what we believe, what we tell ourselves, and therefore how we act, how we conduct ourselves each day, and ultimately how we determine the trajectory of our business and of our future.

So I just pray that you are as encouraged by this conversation as I was, and that you will come away with some really practical tips for small changes you can make in your mindset for a big result in the future. So let's get started.

Thank you for joining me today, Emma. I'm so excited to have you on the podcast because one, you're just the sweetest person ever and two, I love what you're passionate about. And I think that it is going to really just add a lot of value and encouragement to the people who are listening and just encourage people that like, you don't have to segment your life and you don't have to just be known by one thing.

And I just can't wait to hear everything that you have to share this today. So thanks for being here.

EMMA: Of course. Thank you for having me. I'm honored to just chat with you and share all of the things because there's so much to share.

AMY: So much to share. First, let's just start with a little bit about yourself and a little bit about your business.

EMMA: Yeah, of course. So, hi guys, my name is Emma. I'm 22 years old. I live in Southern California. Let's see, I graduated from college in December of 2021, but started my business in September of 2020. So, like, junior year of college.

Originally started in social media services, doing the whole virtual assistant thing, and have been doing that for the past two and half years or so. But then as of January 2023, I kind of felt a tug on my heart to pivot a little bit or to start a new adventure, you can say. And so I launched my new brand called Because She's Whole.

And Because She's Whole is an online ministry and community that's really meant to just inspire young women to lead with love and to learn to embrace themselves better, to embrace other people better of who God really created them to be. So that's kind of where we are today, building that from the ground up. But it's been the biggest blessing, the biggest blessing ever.

AMY: Yes. And I mean, people, you have to go look at her website. It is so gorgeous.

EMMA: Shout out to Jordan. She rushed that.

AMY: I was going to ask you if you did it yourself or if you had somebody do it.

EMMA: No, no, no. The original plan was for me to do it myself.

And then I got a very, it was such a God thing how that turned out. So I'll just share that a little bit too. I had a business coach at the time and we were planning on how are we going to launch BSW?

Like, we want a website to accompany the launch and what is that going to look like? And my original plan was to just, you know, take website templates and do like the whole drag and drop thing, which I was more than fine with. But then the Lord just is so much more abundant and good than my understanding.

And so at the time that I was going to start creating the website, I had a girl reach out to me just being like, "I love your work and I just started my web design business. I would really love if we could just trade services."

So I do her social media engagement and she built my website and I didn't have to pay a penny.

AMY: Stop it.

EMMA: It was such a divine thing and the Lord was just so in the midst of that and I could not be more obsessed. I feel like it looks exactly how I wanted it to and more and she did a beautiful job but it was so the Lord.

She was just starting her business and she's starting with something like that. Like that is so, like it's so good.

AMY: Wow. I love that story. I love, yeah, business connections and just like sharing the love is beautiful. I did the same thing for the photo shoot for this podcast cover. Um, I, we traded like she did the photo shoot and I did like a consultation session to like map out her business transition that she was looking to pivot, you know, um, and we worked together on that. So I love that.

EMMA: Yay. I love that.

AMY: Okay, so let's jump into sharing about whatever more detail you want to share about because she's whole. And just, I guess start with what ignited the passion to even start a project like that. Like where did that come from?

Personally, what was your journey and how did it like all come to fruition and become how it is today? Yeah. Oh, that's such a good question. And I feel like it's such a big question.

EMMA: Me too. But in the best possible way. So I'll try to share as clearly as I can.

But, BSW pretty much started as a kind of reference before. I was doing one thing and do love the whole social media space, but felt like I was in that space for a reason. And the social media services I was offering at the time were great, but I didn't feel like those were like the end all be all.

Like I felt like God was telling me, you have more to offer in this space. And so it probably started a little over a year ago. I just started to feel the Lord on my heart kind of pushing me a little bit. And I have this distinct memory of I was driving home from visiting my sister in San Diego.

And I was like listening to worship music and you know, just kind of talking to Jesus in the car as we do.

AMY: As we do.

EMMA: As we do. And I felt him just be like, you are meant to serve other young women and like make my name known. And I was like, hmm, okay, that's great. But like, what does that mean? You know, and they got me excited because I felt like so firmly the word being like, Emma, this is what I want you to do.

And so it was exciting to have like a next step to go after. But at the same time, I was like, Jesus, I have no idea what that means. I have no idea what that looks like. And so after that drive home, I kind of just waited a little bit. Like I waited to see if the Lord had anything else to say, if he wanted to hand me any more clarifying pieces as to what that looked like.

And over the last like few months after that drive home, I just couldn't shake that feeling. I was like, "I don't know what this is going to look like. All I know is I need to start." And so I was like, "I'm going to hire a business coach to help me really just develop this idea that I have. I knew that I wanted to create a strong community. I wanted to create a safe space for young women, cater towards believers, but they didn't have to believe to be a part of it.

But I just wanted to really just make a business pivot entirely, and I was like, I can't do that by myself. And so let me take what the Lord has given me and use other geniuses to help me get to where I think the Lord wants me to be. And she really just helped me flesh out this idea of BSW.

And so because she's whole is really rooted from, I'll say childhood experiences and things that I'm continuing to deal with as a young woman in my young twenties. The whole focus being about embracing the entirety of who the Lord created you to be.

And I had the most blessed childhood. I have such a great family, great support system, grew up in the Christian family, but you know that doesn't mean everything's always sunshine and daisies. And for as long as I could remember, I always kind of carried a certain distaste for who the Lord created me to be.

Whether that be in a physical sense, a mental sense, characteristics of myself, like there There was always something in wavering seasons that I just didn't, like, did not appreciate and was like, "Why am I the way that I am?" And that kind of became really evident to me as I was developing this brand because she's whole and I was like, "You know what? I think as a girl in her young 20s, you know, I'm just really trying to figure out who I am and who it is that the Lord wants me to be and odds are I'm not the only one trying to figure that out, you know?

But I don't see a lot of people, at least in the online space, talking about that. Everyone online is very sure of themselves. It's a highlight reel a lot of the time. Things we all know, but I felt it on my heart, a certain calling to be like, "Emma, you're supposed to take your personal struggle, share it with others, and be the friend that you need as well in this time to like remind you that we're all learning to embrace who God made us to be and that in itself is a journey. It's not an overnight, it's not an overnight thing by any means.

But that's kind of how because she's whole got started. So rooted personally, but then was like, if I'm walking through it, I might as well walk alongside other friends that are probably dealing with it too.

AMY: That is beautiful. I, the big questions that's in my brain, and I know this is like the entire your premise of the reason to be part of your membership. But like, how do you actually do that? Like there's gotta be so many people sitting here listening to this like, yes, oh my gosh, me too. Like I can, you know, probably most every girl.

I mean, and probably most every guy, most every single person listening to this has things about themselves that they don't like, that they question, God, why did you make me this way? Like I think that is so common. So I guess maybe just a short version of like, what is the process that you've discovered to start to love those pieces of yourself that you don't?

EMMA: Yeah, no, I think first and foremost, it came with being honest, whether that's with yourself and especially with the Lord, you know? God knows everything about you, right? He knows what you're struggling with, what's going on internally, but it's an extra step to verbally admit to the Lord what you're struggling with and then proceed to invite him into that, right?

So, I mean, I kind of have told you this in past conversation of I've always grown up like elder sibling syndrome of Emma has it together. Emma is, you know, meets all the expectations of she's just always on her groove.

And I think for me, it was difficult to admit that I was struggling and that I was actually really having a hard time. It's very difficult for me to show my weaknesses to other people because I fear they won't think that's "like me" and I won't be met with this validation of "oh we still love you even when you're not doing so great."

And so that to me has been my own personal struggle but in order to kind of rewrite that process, it has kind of boiled down to being like, I need to start being honest with myself that this is actually something I need to lay at the feet of the Lord. I need to entrust with other people to come alongside me and pray alongside me in that.

And once you kind of take that honesty pill and like share it with the Lord and like admit it to yourself and your close friends, it It becomes a lot safer, I feel like, to walk through that process. And I don't sit here today being like, "I have it all figured out." And I now love every aspect of myself through and through because that's just simply not the truth, right? But this process has started in that way, but it's a daily offering that to the Lord. It's a daily practice of that.

And once you begin with that honesty, you can kind of let yourself start to explore that struggle a bit more, but also in return gain such reward. So I like to tell others of kind of come back to the child of who you are, of how Jesus sees you. So letting yourself be sad, be curious, go and play, find what sets your soul on fire, you know, like the things that are passions of yours, homies of yours, those aren't by accident. Those are all God given and designed.

And that ultimately kind of begins to fill your cup again and remind you of your victories and your beauties. And it shifts your focus from your shortcomings to all the things that God made you to be. So I guess that was a long winded answer, but honesty and then kind of letting yourself go through all the motions.

AMY: No, that is perfect. And you're bringing up so many points. And it's really, I just love how God works because he always ties like my Bible study into different conversations that I have.

So I'm in Bible study fellowship, BSF. And we are studying the section of the Old Testament where Judah and Israel were divided kingdoms. They were not like one.

So we're basically studying that section of history. We just finished Lamentations. And I feel like that book maybe intimidates people because it's literally called Lamentations. So it's like, I don't want to read this. I want to get depressed. Like I personally have never like studied it in any formal fashion, but we did.

We went through it and I literally got so much out of the teaching on this book. And I just want to bring up a couple points to kind of go off of what you were saying because you were describing like, "I don't want to admit this because I'm afraid it doesn't fit the vision that other people have of me." I think another like hold back from people admitting the honest truth about how they feel about themselves is they're scared to admit it to God directly for whatever reason, probably because they don't feel like they can approach him with it.

And the beautiful thing that Lamentations teaches is like, lay it all out there. Just like God wants, he is there for your real and raw emotions. We see that in the Psalms. I think it's like every third Psalm or something is a lamentation. Don't quote me on that number, but it's something like that. David pours out his heart. That honesty piece is so important. Be completely real, one with God and two with your community.

The second piece to lamenting that I learned from this teaching is like, yes, pour out your heart, that's part one, but part two is to trust him with the results. And that's, that's equally just as hard. But that, that is what we're called to do.

And another big thing that we talked about in that study was how the first like four, there's five chapters of Lamentations, the first four chapters or first three chapters. But the first majority is him focusing on all of the destruction that's happening and God, why are you letting this happen? And have you forsaken me?

And you know, all of these, like focusing on the hard then either chapter four or chapter five, I should literally just pull my Bible out. But one of the chapters, then it just abruptly goes to, "But you, O Lord, are blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah," and praises God and tells the truth about God. And the way that the teacher was describing it was like, "People are not watching me." But imagine head down, just stuck in all your hard stuff. None of that is immediately changing, but what you're called to do is once you express it is you literally just got to like turn your head and look upwards and focus on the truth.

And that's that second piece that you just brought up is we need to be intentional about what we focus on. Um, I think we could probably go down a whole rabbit hole and I'm happy to go down this rabbit hole with you right now, but like just about, you know, being intentional and guarding our thoughts in being careful where we let them go.

And we let ourselves focus on because that really deter there's so many Bible verses about how our thoughts determine our actions and just about how our thoughts determine our actions and therefore like the trajectory of what our life looks like. So it's so interesting.

I feel like everything you described is what I just learned. So do you, I mean, how does, do you have anything to say based off of that one and two, are there any passages of scripture that really are a big part of your movement.

EMMA: Mm-hmm. No, that's so good. Everything, I'm going to second the fact that the Lord always ties strings together, right? So the fact that you were like, "This relates exactly to what I'm reading." Like, of course it does, right? You shouldn't be surprised. Right, but continuously I'm, and I just think that's so good. And I think it's really easy for people to be like, "Okay, I hear you," of like, "Bring it to the Lord, you know, be honest with myself and then it's so much easier said than done, right, to shift your focus. And for me, I feel like it can be so much easier to kind of pray like I'm gonna pray over Amy and I'm gonna pray over like her walk with the Lord and for her to shift her focus to realize who Lord made her to be, right? But immediately if like you were to like flip that on me, it becomes less of a, I'm gonna priority because it doesn't seem as important. So the process I think of being honest with yourself and the Lord but then you need to continuously treat it like it's of the same importance if you were to pray that over a loved one right.

So for myself I struggle a lot with like intrusive thoughts and I know you were talking about how like thoughts frame your actions and kind of of ultimately what you believe, right? So it's really important to guard your mind and guard your spirit. And it has become such a focus for me within the past few months of realizing that this is something that's really hurting is that I need to fill my mind with truth, right? So if I can't combat lies, if I'm not like giving myself armor to protect with, you know?

AMY: Yeah.

EMMA: So a big goal of mine, And I guess this kind of ties into like practical things you can do a little bit. But for the longest time I was doing like daily Bible reading. But to be all like in full honesty, I wasn't necessarily doing it with the right intention. I was more so going through the motions.

Like I wasn't really reading to learn. I was reading to check it off my to-do list for the day. Like, oh, spend time with Jesus, done, you know?

So now having realized that my spiritual walk and like my own journey with myself and the Lord is just as important as other people, my best way to combat that now and to reframe my focus starting each morning is to be like, I need to fill my mind with truth and be fully present in what I'm studying. Like what the heck is going on in this passage? Like what does this teach me about the Lord, all of these little questions and just have that really frame. And I think from like an outside point of view, maybe that doesn't necessarily like directly tie, but it does, you know?

Like there is an invisible stream connecting it all together. And once you start to just kind of infuse more of that intentionality and that posture of your heart a bit more, you will start to see the fruit of that truth fill, especially in this way. So I think that's been huge for me. And I love that you're talking about just reading different passages and having them fully just let them teach you, you know, like don't just show up to show up because the Lord wants to know you, you know.

And so I think that has been a major shift for me as well within the past few months for sure.

AMY: I want to go, I want to talk about what you're saying about like how everything is connected. And I think that some people might naturally accept that concept and like that concept, but some people might hear that and be like, no, like things to be in separate compartments. So like how do you grapple with that and why is that a big piece of what you are promoting?

EMMA: Right, right. Well, as a believer, I think you assume that the Lord is your foundation for everything, right? As you grow older, you learn that you can't help it when faith begins to touch other aspects of your life, right? It would be so much easier in some regard to like put everything in its neat tiny little box and have my social life be my social life.

Faith like is on Sundays at church, you know, I have my business and everything has its own separate category. But life is just so complex and everything is intertwined because Jesus is like the root of everything.

And as much, I'm just speaking like from my own personal experience, like as much as I try to like pretend I'm in control and put things in their like own places, the more I'm like that's not how it's supposed to be, you know? And I don't necessarily think you can grow as a human being and like tying it back to embrace, like you cannot embrace the entirety of who you are, of who others are, unless you let Jesus fill that space too, right?

Because a big part of why I chose that name is because I believe we are only made whole with Christ. Like Jesus is the missing piece. And if we're to operate without that piece, then I, you're right. I don't think it's all connected.

But since that is the foundation I'm building off of, then it's only right that that really influences and translates into every other aspect of my life as well.

AMY: Yes. And to add to that, it's like he is the peace that makes us whole, but he's also the lens that allows us to view ourselves in the right way and in the way that we're going to be able to appreciate every piece of ourselves.

Because if we start looking at it through Jesus' eyes versus like our natural instinct of how to look at things, which is critical and self-doubt and all of those things. If we shift our lens, that's what's gonna make the difference.

EMMA: Yeah, for sure. I think that's been a huge, it's been a huge struggle, right? 'Cause I think you read like the Lord sees you as, you know, his wonderful and crafted creation. And you're like, really? I don't see that a lot of the time.

And you know it logically, but it is a whole different thing to really practice that belief. And I really like that you said, like Jesus is the lens we're striving for, right? He is our worldview. He's how we look at not just ourselves, but the things around us. And it is that like continual practice to have me be like, "Okay, let me put on my Jesus glasses and try and see and operate in this life the way he would.

Because ultimately that's why we're here, right? Is to be as much like Jesus as we possibly can. And that translates back to how we view ourselves too.

AMY: And this whole conversation is swirling around, like reframing our thoughts. And I know you said that you are not perfect. You're a work in progress. That's something I always say as well on this podcast, especially as I don't want anyone to think that I've figured all of it out.

So with that, how, with that, you have been practicing this for a while or you wouldn't have started because she's whole, like you've obviously done work in this area. So how have you seen life change? And even how does it tie to how you approach your business since you started working on this reframing?

EMMA: Yeah, that's such a great question. I think it isn't until you kind of put those words out there where I was like, "Huh, how has it changed?" Right?

Because it's such a little, and maybe it seems, maybe not little, casual practice on the day-to-day, right? And it isn't until maybe you look back a couple months and you're like, "Holy cow, the Lord has done so much within that time."

But I will say ever since I've admitted that this has been a struggle for me and have begun the process of putting that same energy and intent into healing that part, I have seen the Lord in so many different ways.

But I will say the biggest part is probably a sense of gratitude Which maybe sounds like you know out of left field like why and I'll say for someone that struggles maybe to focus on how the Lord has been good to others through them or just that struggle with Thinking they're not enough that they're not fulfilling the Lord's purpose like if you're struggling with feeling important or good enough for any of those things, it has been such a gift to have other people come alongside you and be like you've impacted me in XYZ, right?

And that has slowly begun to become like more on my radar. I'll say so. Gratitude of just noticing the liberal things. So people's like comments on my business page of being like this so helped me today. or like realizing throughout the day that the Lord has gifted me again with like a nice iced latte. Like whatever it is, like you're - it may seem so small and so casual, but the little things start to matter more and that begins to reframe your big vision, right?

And so I think for myself and just for others that have been like walking through like similar things, It's just this daily surrendering that really causes you to notice different things in your day, things that you would not notice beforehand, really start to be the light of your day.

And I think business-wise, it's so hard business-wise, right? Because I think business-wise, I am competing with this idea that I am supposed to appear as a certain expert in this field, as we know none of us are but it has given me gratitude for the people in my community that have been honest with me about their journeys as well people that I would have never guessed were struggling in the same way I was struggling are telling me their stories and it is wild right?

So gratitude in that sense but it's given me a sense of, it sounds so cheesy but I'm gonna say Anyway, it's given me a sense of like, of just hope that if others can do it, like, so can I. And if I can walk through this and this is hard, this is a hard thing, but I know that other people are kind of, in a sense, like holding on to me too, to do it alongside them, then I'm gonna keep doing it, right?

So it starts out as a very me and God thing, but it kind of, not even accidentally, it turns into a me and others thing too, because it's the same or similar struggles we're all walking through. All of our stories are connected in some way.

And so kind of beginning this whole process has linked this sense of gratitude to the Lord for showing me His goodness in little ways, but also through His people of being just like, you're not alone. And if you can do hard things, they can do hard things. And I'm going to do this hard thing with you, you know? So that's kind of an all over the place answer. But yeah, that was the biggest ways.

AMY: Yeah, that was that was incredible. And I, I'm thinking of so many things. I just, the first thing I want to highlight, and I think one of my favorite things that you've said this whole time that aligned so much with what I value is the little things add up and you just have to take one step at a time.

And that's like so counterintuitive to me. I'm like, I want to be zero to a hundred, like tomorrow. Like I have big goals for myself and I want to achieve them ASAP, but like things take time and little steps don't feel like a lot in the moment, but like you're saying, you look back and you reflect and you see how big it actually is.

And like for me, I think I struggle with like thinking that something is so small that it, it doesn't even count. Like that's how I feel about workouts. Like I have, I don't know why I had, this is stupid, but I like have this thing in my I had that like doing this like doesn't really count as a workout because it's not like intensive enough.

Like only this level of intensity counts as like a solid workout. Like that's so silly, but similar concepts. So just, just as an encouragement to someone listening, if you're, if you're writing off the little things, like they are so important. The other thing that is so big to me is the pulling back the curtain and having the real conversations and sharing what you're really struggling with.

The whole, the very first interview episode of the whole podcast is literally called "You Are Not Alone." It's so important, something that I want to do. So thank you for being part of that, of pulling back the curtain and sharing what you have gone through. Because that is the real way that we are going to encourage and inspire others.

And I just want to say, like, with all of that, I with the connection thing, like, we are another story of just a random. You just found me on Instagram, right?

EMMA: Right.

AMY: Like what the heck? We have so many core values that are exactly aligned. And we just found each other on Instagram. We live across the country from each other. Like, oh my gosh, it's crazy. Wild.

Okay, this is all so good. I literally want to make so many posts for Instagram about like little quotes that have come out of this. But any final thoughts that are popping into your mind before we finish up today?

EMMA: Oh man, no, this has been so fun. I forget, we met literally three weeks.

AMY: I know.

EMMA: Four weeks ago.

AMY: Yeah.

EMMA: Not a long time guys, so this has been such a joy. But again, like as crazy as it is, like not accidental.

AMY: Not at all, not a coincidence.

EMMA: Not at all. So, I don't know. I think my final words on that. (both laughing)

I was like, my mind's going everywhere. But I really just want to encourage you that if you feel for whatever reason that you are not where you're meant to be, you're not maybe on the trajectory on the right road to maybe who you think you're supposed to be, like that's okay, you know?

And kind of like you were talking about Amy of like wanting to be zero to 100, like I'm similar. So it's really hard to just take it slow and take it day by day.

But as much as it is a beautiful thing to kind of realize this is, you know, a bruise that I have and this is what I wanna do to heal and this is how I'm going to heal, It's so great to make a plan. And I think this podcast episode will encourage you to pray on that and to really kind of journey through that a bit more.

But I really wanna emphasize grace. 'Cause none of this is a surprise to the Lord. He knew like you were going to come to him with this right now or maybe six years from now or maybe like, you know, 10 decades from now, you know? Like he knows your heart through and through. And just as much as he has grace on you, I wanna encourage you, friend, to have grace on yourself as well.

'Cause it has been a process of ebb and flow, so to try and really nail down what it is I'm doing, where it is I'm going, and I don't have any of those answers.

But the only answer I have is really that the Lord is that consistent building block. He is that consistent foundation, And he has so much compassion, so much love, so much grace on you. And as you journey through this yourself, like, please just practice that on your own heart.

Um, because that's just ultimate goal to love yourself and to love others just as much as he loves you and loves those around you.

So yeah, those are my final words of encouragement.

AMY: A beautiful encouragement and you are definitely gifted in encouragement. I know that that is one of the things that Lord is using specifically using you for, especially in what you're doing.

And also in your Instagram, like your content is extremely encouraging. So I will have the links to your gorgeous website and your encouraging Instagram accounts below so people can find you.

But as a last question that I ask everybody, what is bringing you peace right now, Emma?

EMMA: I've been looking forward to this question. (both laughing)

In the season of your 20 somethings, so many things are changing all the time. And I really thought about this question because I don't have a big grand answer for it, but kind of what I've referenced before, it really is the little things.

The little things are bringing me peace, whether that is me being blessed enough to wake up in a comfy bed every morning to have a hot cup of coffee, to be able to just like talk to friends through a screen. Like that's so cool. And that's such a gift.

And so those consistent little blessings and continuing to like put my energy, put my focus on those things have been bringing me a lot of peace and just reminding me of the Lord's goodness to me day in and day out. So.

AMY: Hmm, that is so beautiful. Do you have like a gratitude journal or like a certain practice that you have for that?

EMMA: I have like, so I'm a journal girlie, but I don't like write a journal. Like I have an app and it's called like the Day One app and I kind of log what I do the day before, but like I'll also write just like, you know, brain dump all the things.

Um, but maybe it doesn't sound like a direct gratitude journal, but when you back on the years and have you kind of been able to document what you've done throughout the days and the seasons you've gone through? I'm like I'm in a way better place now than I was two or three years ago and so without me even meaning to I'm starting my day off with gratitude that the Lord brought me to this point now.

So definitely in journaling and then in prayer I try to make sure that you know you can bring your request to the Lord by all means but but also making sure that it's like, just thank you for being like who you are and for all the little things, all the big things.

AMY: Yeah, that'll be my final encouragement to everybody is like if you're having trouble like seeing the little good things, and you know, gratitude is a practice. It's something you have to practice noticing, right?

But just the encouragement I would have is do look back because we don't naturally do that. I don't, some people might, but it might not be our natural inclination to look back, but when you do, you will see God's faithfulness. Like literally yesterday I was like, oh my gosh, I can't remember the last time I had a migraine and I get stress migraines.

And so I was kind of realizing like, okay, what we're doing in the business, having Luke as part of it, like things are, things must be going well because my stress is under control. Like I had to, I had to look back and I had to think and reflect to have that realization. And then in that moment, of course, is when you can immediately be grateful to the Lord and, and lift that back up to him. So yeah, absolutely.

Oh my goodness. This has been such a good conversation and I know it has encouraged so many who are listening. So thank you for just taking the time to share your heart. And I look forward to having a part two, if you want to do it live with me when this comes out. Well just, we'll keep the conversation going.

And yeah, and then everyone to make sure that you connect with Emma on her socials.

EMMA: Thank you so much for having me. It's been the most beautiful conversation.

AMY: Yes, absolutely. All right, everybody. Thank you guys for listening and we will see you next week. Bye! Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. We look forward to connecting with you more, whether that's on Instagram, TikTok, or our email list. We'd love to hear what you thought of today's episode and if you have any additional tips to add.

We will see you next week with more tips and tools to becoming a peaceful entrepreneur. Bye for now!


How to Have a Peaceful Money Mindset


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