Happy Hour
The following is a transcription of Episode 8 of The Peaceful Entrepreneur Podcast! Click here to listen on all platforms!
AMY: Welcome to the Peaceful Entrepreneur podcast, where together we're finding peace in the process of everyday business ownership by improving one step at a time, how we think and what we do. I'm your host, Amy Stout.
Welcome to Happy Hour.
LUKE: Whoo!
AMY: With Amy and Luke.
This is a podcast that we do once per season where we don't talk about anything related to business and we just have fun chit chatting about whatever's going on.
LUKE: Yeah. Our idea behind this was a little bonus episode for each season. So one per season, this first one will just be the two of us. Who knows what it'll turn into as time goes on. You never know.
But the idea was, we're talking about work stuff all the time, which is amazing. But we also like to just chill and just talk. So we figured we'd bring you all in. And what better way to do that than thinking about it as happy hour?
We are actually recording this after 5 PM.
AMY: Whoa, Amy working after 5? What?
LUKE: Unheard of, some would say. And so we have drinks in hand. We do not encourage alcoholism by any means. We are not alcoholics. Figured I should just throw that out there. But you know, happy hour, have a drink. Drink responsibly please.
AMY: Yeah, and this was Luke's idea. This happy hour concept was Luke's idea and I loved it. So I gotta give you credit.
LUKE: Oh, thank you.
AMY: What'd you make for us? What are we drinking today?
LUKE: We are just sipping on something simple tonight. It is some gin with a little bit of triple sec as well, topped off with a raspberry lemon, I think it's raspberry, is it raspberry lime? Raspberry lime spindrift.
So not a super sweet drink, not a super strong drink either, but it's got good flavor. I did it kind of just a couple of weeks ago. I was like, oh, I think this might actually taste good together and try that. And sure enough, yeah.
AMY: Luke's the bartender around here. He likes to get creative with different combinations. I'm the coffee connoisseur and he's the bartender. So we're covered on all bases.
LUKE: Yeah, we got it covered.
AMY: Okay, so Luke and I both kind of came up with some things that we wanted to talk about tonight but we don't know what each other came up with. So this will be fun.
LUKE: Surprise.
AMY: Surprise. And so I'm gonna start with a couple things 'cause mine are a little more like intro-y. So.
LUKE: Mine are more hard-hitting questions. (laughing)
AMY: Okay, so we both really like Cody Ko, he's a YouTuber, and his wife, Kelsey, has a podcast, and they, so they just got married, and then they did a podcast episode together on Kelsey's podcast. And I listened to it and immediately got this idea, because they did like an icebreaker would you rather.
So I figured I'd pull a couple would you rathers and see what you think.
LUKE: Oh, okay. I'm down.
AMY: Would you rather? Let's start a little light. Would you rather go zip lining or bungee jumping together?
LUKE: Zip lining. Definitely. Yeah, that's easy. That's an easy answer. I assume you're the same way.
AMY: Yeah. I don't want to go bungee jumping. No, pass.
Yeah. Uh, but zip lining will be cool. I've never done like true zip line. I've zip lined from a platform into a lake, but that hardly counts. Like just like, Hey, you're not like strapped in for that right you haven't done anything where you're like buckled in I just wasn't like going through the rainforest like I would like right.
LUKE: I've just got you you know like hanging on to one like little plastic piece nothing secure and you're just like going down it was some mountain and redneck North Carolina where you grew up.
AMY: Would you rather swim with dolphins or go whale watching?
LUKE: That's a good question. I feel like both would be fun. I think I'd rather go whale watching. And I feel like that's probably unlike me, but I think it's just because like to see creatures that large, that close, you know, is pretty cool.
And swimming with dolphins would be fun. I'm an ocean child, so I would love that. but I feel like I've seen enough videos of things happening with dolphins and people. I'm just like, yeah, I don't know. That might be a pass.
AMY: I still have a fear of underwater to a certain extent. Like I don't think I could ever scuba dive.
LUKE: She's actually scared of water. She doesn't like drink it or anything. She doesn’t shower. You can probably smell her through the microphone.
AMY: Oh my gosh. So yeah, I would be a little bit scared to swim with dolphins, even though I know they're nice. But yeah, I would pick whale watching as well.
LUKE: Definitely.
AMY: Okay, this one's interesting. Would you rather be 25 or 45 for the rest of your life?
LUKE: Wow. I would say, I feel like I'm thinking about this more than I should. I would say 25.
AMY: Ooh.
LUKE: And I think that's because mostly like you're kind of coming into that like peak physical time in your life. And I think that would be like that. That's what I would prefer. I think no hate towards 45 year olds listening.
AMY: This is one where we differ. All of them we've said the same thing so far. But well, all two of them, we've said the same thing for.
But I would rather be 45 because I feel like at 26 now, there's so much I don't know still. And so much I want to experience in life, so much I want to learn, you know, we don't have kids, but Lord willing would have kids by then. So that's important. Not that you don't think that's important, but I don't know.
I just feel like I'll be more experienced, wiser have experienced more of the things that I want at that point in life. So even though I'm older, that's fair.
LUKE: That makes sense. I figured you were going to say that.
AMY: Would you rather have a picnic or go to a fancy dinner? I think I know your answer.
LUKE: That's a good question too. You have a picnic when the weather's nice is a great time, but I think I'm going to fancy dinner.
AMY: Oh really?
LUKE: Did you think I was going to go picnic?
AMY: Yes.
LUKE: Really?
AMY: Cause you're not a fancy guy.
LUKE: Well, not a fancy guy, but it's about the food, right? It's not so much about dressing up and everything. If we're going to a fancy restaurant, I assume it's gonna be good food. So that's what I'm doing it for. I'm not doing it to be fancy, doing it for the food.
But you give me a picnic like you're cooking out hot dogs and hamburgers. That's pretty fancy too.
AMY: I like picnics. Yeah, I just feel like it's more casual. I'd probably go for more casual.
LUKE: That's fair.
AMY: Yeah. This one’s a little deeper. This is not really that deep, actually, never mind.
LUKE: Would you rather have your hot dog or hamburger? (both laughing)
AMY: Would you rather have your partner tell you what they want as a gift or would you rather surprise them?
LUKE: Well, yeah, I mean, it's yeah, I feel like in recent years, I'll like I've like asked Amy what she wants. I guess for last Christmas and your birthday, I kind of asked you what you wanted, but I've also gotten you things like the first espresso maker that was totally a surprise.
AMY: Yeah, that was a surprise.
LUKE: So I think it's a blend I think to a certain degree gift-giving is not like high on my love language list So having some guidance is always nice like I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with you know, it's just like the little “oh I have my eye on this.” There's something you have your eye on like is there something that you you would like to have. And then like more that's more for like ideas.
Yeah, not saying I'm gonna go with that But like just to kind of know what you're in the market for what kind of you're looking for but yeah, so I guess it depends I would say.
Sorry going back to the question. I kind of dodged the question I would say Surprise you Okay.
AMY: Yeah, and I would rather know what you wanted.
LUKE: That's fair.
AMY: For practicality I don't want to spend money on something that you might not like.
So that's what Luke did for Christmas is he gave me three options. And so like I just had to pick one. And I think that was still kind of a surprise.
LUKE: I also kind of knew which one it was going to be. I just had a feeling you had a feeling.
AMY: Yeah. Because it's the one that allows you to pursue your passions.
LUKE: Right. Yeah.
AMY: We just going to leave that as a cliffhanger?
LUKE: Yep.
AMY: Sounds good. Last one.
Would you rather be with someone who is the life of the party or who is shy?
LUKE: Ok, is this like like a friend or are we talking like a partner?
AMY: Yeah, like me.
LUKE: Right. I have to answer this carefully.
AMY: You ain't got no choice. You got what you got.
LUKE: That's hard because I feel like neither of us are either extremely one side or the other. Yeah. So if there was a third option that was like hybrid. You know, great in social situations like at parties, but doesn't have to be the main focus of attention. That's what I would pick.
But I think if you forced me to choose between the two, I think I might say shy.
AMY: Interesting. 'Cause you don't wanna like cringe when they do something crazy.
LUKE: Right, I was gonna say, yeah, I don't like, I mean, people that I've been around that are kind of that personality of like life of the party. Sometimes it's like, all right, I feel like you're doing a little too much.
AMY: Yeah, yeah, you're very sensitive to when things get a little awkward. I feel that. Okay, well that's actually a perfect transition into my next icebreaker moment.
LUKE: Uh oh.
AMY: Because I don't know if you've heard of this, I'm sure you have, but it's kind of going around the interwebs about the ick.
LUKE: Yes. Oh, are you gonna ask me what my icks are? Because I literally just was, I said something to someone. I think it was in a text. I'm gonna see if I can find that because it was like something that, like I don't use that phrase.
AMY: No, we don't. Which is why I thought it'd be funny.
LUKE: Man, it was a good one, too. I'm not. I don't remember what it was.
AMY: Have you ever had THE ick.
LUKE: What is THE Ick?
AMY: There's a difference. THE ick is when you're in a romantic relationship with someone and they do something you don’t like and then it eventually leads to you breaking up because they just. It's like a it's a feeling within you. They're like, I can't I can't do that. I can't be with you. I can't.
LUKE: Like somebody not liking Star Wars.
AMY: Yes, is that your ick?
LUKE: That's my ick.
AMY: Yeah, that's what I thought.
I got the ick and it was like--
LUKE: With me?
AMY: No, not you. I hope not you.
It was inexplicable, honestly, because I had been with this guy for nine months and we weren't even truly dating. It was like we were emailing back and forth and we saw each other at church. We had strict, strict parents. This was like hardly even a boyfriend. Yeah, truly, it was emailing back and forth.
LUKE: Yeah, we were faxing back and forth. (laughing)
AMY: I went to a basketball game of his. He was on JV. We went to the varsity game. We stayed for the varsity game afterwards. He came up and sat next to me. And I just have this, like, vivid memory of his, him putting his hand, like, on my knee while we're watching the game. And I got the ick. I was like, oh, nope, can't do this. I walked outside and I broke up with him.
LUKE: No way.
AMY: Yes, in that very moment.
LUKE: I don't know if I've heard that story. I thought you were gonna say something about like the patting on the head.
AMY: Oh yeah, I don't like that.
LUKE: But that was a different, I know you don't like that.
AMY: No, yeah, that was different. No, he just like something about, I was just like, nope. And I just, I broke up with him right then and there. And that was my ick story. But also, so I assume there hasn't been a situation like that that you've been in.
AMY: But there's also icks, like that's like a less serious situation of like, just like almost like pet peeves almost.
LUKE: Right, it's more like, that's how I think of it.
AMY: Yeah, and some wives are like, have a bunch of icks towards their husband of like, chew too loudly and I don't like it how you, I don't know, walk around the house, like those kind of icks. I don't really have those towards you.
LUKE: I don't have those towards you. I have those towards other people.
AMY: Like what?
LUKE: So this one is like, and if my youngest sister listens to this, she's gonna know exactly what I'm talking about. But this would work better in video form, but when people walk on the balls of their feet
AMY: Oh yes.
LUKE: And their heels don't touch the ground. Maybe there's like, I don't know, maybe I'm being like really insensitive and like people like have a condition, but let your heel touch the ground every once in a while. Would it kill you to do that? Gosh.
AMY: That sounds like a Seinfeld joke.
LUKE: It does, yeah. That's one of my, that's one of my icks.
AMY: I always tell people, because you and I, we just get along, we don't really annoy each other. Truly the only thing that I don't love is a certain kind of music that you listen to. But I don't even know if that's considered an ick. Yeah, it doesn't turn me off like it doesn't. I don't know. I just don't like it. So I don't know. So I guess it does that. It probably means that it's probably a good thing that we don't have icks for each other.
LUKE: Yeah, that's good. Another one is I'm just thinking of is--I'm trying to think of the last time I really saw this, but when like big companies try to capitalize or make commercials or ads that use internet culture stuff like memes and stuff. Oh, like those never work out.
AMY: Yes, because they're always coming out to way later.
LUKE: They're always I mean, it's like, you know, like the whole Facebook joke of. Yeah, they see stuff four years after the or four months after the rest of the internet has already seen it and moved on.
AMY: Yeah, it's like by the time the ad makes it through all the revisions and then everything, right, the trends long.
Another thing that this is always, this always annoyed me. If I'm sitting in a room watching TV, someone comes into the room and they just get like sucked into the TV and just stand there right in front of it, watching it and like, please sit down, please, please sit down. Don't just stand there.
LUKE: I purposefully stand up really close to our TV.
AMY: He does, to block my view.
LUKE: When I know she's watching something to block it and act like I'm really invested.
AMY: Yeah, thank you. Thank you for that.
Okay, are we finished with our icks?
LUKE: I think so.
AMY: Okay, my last thing and then we'll jump into yours is we had a couple questions. I asked Instagram and sweet Joy sent us a couple questions. She wants to know a fun fact about each of us.
LUKE: A fun fact.
AMY: I feel like I have a couple of fun facts, but I always use the same one, so I don't know.
LUKE: I guess a fun fact would be I once busted my head open, busted my face open, playing duck duck goose. Which is not traditionally a very aggressive game, but in our family, we played it very violently, I guess.
Yeah, so that might be a story for another podcast, but I'm just gonna leave it at that for now.
AMY: And there is a scar to prove it.
LUKE: There is a scar to prove it. To this day, I think I was like six or seven when it happened, stitches and everything.
AMY: Yep. My fun facts are like, I know sign language, I play bass, I'm left-handed. There's gotta be something more exciting than that.
I was Maria in the sound of music in high school. That's kind of a fun fact.
LUKE: That's a fun fact. I mean, that's a pretty big role, I would say. So I think that counts. It's the biggest role in that show.
AMY: I'm sure I'll think of more like in four hours.
Okay, last question I have is, what are some random talents that we have?
I can sing, I can pick out any harmony. I feel like that's a talent.
LUKE: Yup, that's definitely a talent. Gosh, yeah. I can do a lot of, I'm not doing them now, so don't ask. I can do a lot of voice impressions. My mom used to tell me that--
AMY: Oh, he's actually good.
LUKE: My mom used to tell me that I would be a good like, I guess maybe not impressions. I can do a lot of funny voices. Like my mom used to say, you should be a good voice actor.
AMY: Yeah, you would. You can touch your nose with your tongue. You can't see it, but he's doing it.
LUKE: You can't see it, but I'm doing it right now. Tastes salty.
AMY: Stop. (laughing) That's gross.
Any other random talents? You can talk in your sleep.
LUKE: I can talk in my sleep. I can walk in my sleep. I can use the bathroom in my sleep. Not in the bed, in the bathroom.
AMY: We could make a whole episode on Luke sleep talking stories.
LUKE: That would be a fun one. Y’all would not believe stuff I've seen.
AMY: Okay, let's toss it over to you. What do you have to talk about today?
LUKE: Yeah, well, one thing I wanted to bring up was we, and this kind of leads into a question, but we were talking about, I think one thing that, this kind of goes into our relationship, I guess. And one of the things that I was not naturally as good as Amy was or as yeah I guess as good as you were was like being a good question asker you know I would struggle with like I guess just things to ask you I guess and that's kind of one thing that we kind of talk about when we were dating early on in our relationship like would talk about like Amy really values being asked questions about just like life or whatever and I was not great at that.
I was good at like making discussion, but like asking like pointed questions, I guess I wasn't really as good at. So that's something that I kind of had the opportunity to to grow in, which is cool, which I think I've I've grown in that area very much. But that also comes with asking very hard questions and very important questions.
And this, I thought you'd already figured it out. So this is something that came up the other week. I don't remember when or where exactly, but I think it was just the two of us. And I think we had gone out to eat and you got like fast food. And I asked her what is your ideal kind of French fry?
And she's laughing now, but we'll get to that in a second. So I asked her that I think it's very important to know what kind of french fry people like because I don't know I just think that's a very crucial thing to know about a person and if you don't know that how can you really trust anyone?
AMY: Luke doesn't like personality tests, but he does like I do now.
LUKE: Okay. Well, yeah I mean, yeah, don't put a label on me, but I'm gonna ask you questions about real-life things, you know now this INFJ, ABCD yeah, you know. Yeah, I'm a freaking 28 on the friggin Instagram reel wheel. I understand the the value of the Enneagram but I'm not pro Enneagram.
I am anti. So I'm sure most of the people listening to this podcast know what they're maybe maybe you know what your Enneagram is and if you don't I'm just say just don't go down that rabbit hole. Don't Google it don't do anything. Don't do it. Do I respect it though? Yes I do jokes aside. I respect it but I asked that question because I just think it's an important one to ask so let's just recap for the podcast audience what our options what are our options and then ask what is our favorite kind of fries?
So we're talking fast food fry mostly. That's a tongue twister. So I'm thinking shoestring so that would be like McDonald's if you want to get like really specific shoestring is like Freddy's. Waffle fry obviously like Chick-fil-a famously. The sweet potato fry. I'm kind of lumping the sweet potato fry in as its own thing because you can get those in different forms, but it's a sweet potato. It's different.
I don't personally think that a sweet potato fry is a real French fry, but that's just me. That's another conversation for another time. The other thing you've got crinkle cut. You've got like wedge fries. So kind of like the bigger bigger slices maybe still have the skin on the outside. And then like steak fries, which I guess Burger King is kind of like a steak fry. So it's like the steak, but it's a little thicker but it's not wedge cut. I think that's technically a steak fry.
AMY: What's Wendy'sAnd Burger King?
LUKE: Burger King is kind of like a steak fry.
AMY: What about Wendy's?
LUKE: I can't remember what what kind of fries they have but we don't really eat at Wendy's. So those are kind of the options.
AMY: So do tater tots count?
LUKE: No. Totally different animal from the fry. Totally different.
AMY: Okay, but it's not a French fry.
LUKE: So what is your what is your go-to French fry? And you can bring in a restaurant specific type of fry.
AMY: I love a waffle fry. Honestly, that's where I am right now in my life, you know at this current season and stage. I might change since this might be a recurring question. But no, I love a waffle fry I love a chick-fil-a waffle fry with some chick-fil-a sauce.
Now my caveat I do have to say is Bojangles fries with honey mustard.
LUKE: Yes, those are so good. I don't know what those count as. That's another kind of thing like Bojangles. Yeah, Bojangles are weird because they're They're kind of flat right? They're kind of wedge fries.
AMY: But they're kind of wedge but kind of not yeah, but I love those with the seasoning and their honey mustard Oh, yeah, just give me those. I don't need anything else from Bojangles, but yeah the fries.
LUKE: Yeah, that's another thing too like Cookout Five Guys their fries are kind of different as well.
Gosh, some five guys Cajun fries are awesome.
I'm a big crinkle cut guy. I know the crinkle cut can get a lot of hate. Yeah, but a well cooked obviously has to be well cooked so an ideal crinkle cut fry is not too thick, right?
It's perfectly crisp on the outside but you get the super soft middle, but the fry is not floppy in your hand, right? I don't like a floppy fry most of the time.
I'm not a floppy fry, especially when like I know they're supposed to be a little crispy. I feel like Five Guys fries are the exception 'cause that's like how they're cooked.
But again, Five Guys Cajun fries, those are the bomb. But I think we spent enough time talking about French fries. (laughing)
AMY: I was gonna say, you could see the difference between Luke and Amy with the questions that we ask each other.
LUKE: Yeah, Amy hates that question, but I think it's an important question to ask.
AMY: No, I didn't hate it the first time you asked it. I started hating it when I heard you asking it to your friends in the group chat, to your friends when you were playing games, to your family, to me. Like, I was just like, why are you so obsessed with this question?
LUKE: Well, again, that goes back to what I said initially. I think if you don't know, if somebody says that their favorite fry is a sweet potato fry--
AMY: And then you're gonna have some problems.
LUKE: I would not trust them as a person. (laughing)
AMY: And that's the moral of the story.
LUKE: That's the moral of the story.
AMY: I like them, but they're not my first choice. Is that okay?
LUKE: That's okay. Like, yeah, I like a sweet potato fry, but it is not my go-to fry.
So the other thing I wanted to talk about is, this has kind of been, can't remember when this came to me. It was after Amy and I, I think, had been talking about something.
But over the last like two years, we've gotten more into like the bachelor and bachelorette. And with that, we've gotten into or Amy has gotten into like the whole Netflix dating shows. And when you go and like look at their lineup of dating shows that have come out since like 2020, I guess there's like gotta be at least like eight or 10 plus. I mean, like eight or ten that like you would like know the name of like too hot to handle. Love is blind. The circle. There's the mole. There's that one with like all the animal like the makeup or whatever.
AMY: Oh, yeah. I don't think that one did as well. We didn't watch that one.
LUKE: But yeah. So anyway, we I was just thinking it's so interesting that they have kind of really jumped on board with this. You think about the big players in that space for a long time were just I guess really just Bachelor.
AMY: Right.
LUKE: So that would be those three shows. Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, The Bachelorette. But also the other one would be--
AMY: Love Island.
LUKE: Thank you. I was blanking on the name. That would be the other big one. Those two had kind of I feel like cornered the market because Love Island is big in the UK, but also big here. And the Bachelor is kind of like THE dating show. I can't think of another on cable television. That show that has been around for so long. I mean, that's been around since early 2000s. Maybe 90s, maybe late 90s.
So I just think it's interesting that Netflix has done that. And like, why do they feel like they have to keep making so many? Are there that many people watching them? And they're so, I understand like it's all different premises, but it's all kind of the same thing.
AMY: Well, that's kind of where I was gonna go because there's a couple that I am like ride or die. Like I really like the show. It pulls me in, I'll watch every season. And then there's some that I see the trailer and I'm like, "Meh."
LUKE: You're just not into it.
AMY: So I wonder if they are kind of catering to different people's interests and personalities and catering to different audiences with each show.
LUKE: I think so, yeah.
AMY: I will also say something smart that they have done now that they've had so many of these shows, is they have perfect matches, their most recent one, is they bring people in from all the other shows. So they're showing up again and you already have a like for them or whatever. I think that was so smart of them.
LUKE: That's what I was gonna bring up because that's like they're, I guess, probably their most recent one. I think that came out earlier this year.
AMY: No, like yeah, a month or two ago.
LUKE: And like Amy said, all the contestants have been on another Netflix dating show, I think, if not entirely. They've mostly been on there.
But I think that's interesting, because it's like, let's take all these people that we all know, we'll just put them in a house, whatever. I mean, it's all the popular people, right? There's nobody on there that nobody remembers kind of thing. But I think in my opinion, we were talking about this the other day. It's genius because you have that aspect.
AMY: Yeah, right. But it's like all people that you're already kind of rooting for. And this is I'm sorry if you haven't watched the show, but it's a minor spoiler. Not this isn't that big, but minor spoiler is they like keep reintroducing people.
LUKE: Yeah, like people will get kicked off. And then they come back a couple minutes later. And then they'll let them come back on the next episode.
AMY: Yeah, that was weird.
LUKE: Which in my opinion is lazy writing, but it's genius because you just keep recycling the same people. And I don't know, it's weird because they just keep bringing them back.
AMY: Another reason it was smart is because for the people who haven't watched some of those shows, they'll be like the people, they'll be intrigued. They got me, that happened to me because I watched--
LUKE: You went back and watched another one?
AMY: I watched the first season of Too Hot to Handle and I was like this was stupid. I'm not watching it. It was pretty dumb. I watched like two episodes. It came out like right when COVID hit. So we watched it like right after Love is Blind and I was like on the Love is Blind high and I loved it and I was like oh another one and it was awful. And so I watched the first.
LUKE: It was like that or Tiger King at that point in time.
AMY: Yeah pretty much. And so watching the first season I was like nah I'm not. But they've done three more seasons.
LUKE: That's crazy.
AMY: And but there was a girl on perfect match that I like. And she was on that second season. So I went back. Yeah, I skipped season two. Actually, there were two girls that I liked. So I went and watched season three. And I haven't watched the whole thing, but it did. It sucked me back in.
So they are smart with their strategies.
LUKE: Yeah, it's working out for them. I mean, I still don't know how they're getting this many views to where they think they need to make this many shows.
AMY: It's always a new one.
LUKE: Like the shows aren't in like the top 10 most watched Netflix originals or anything by any means, but they're popular enough, I guess, but hey, I mean more power to 'em.
AMY: Yeah. You know, one thing that I do have to say about getting into The Bachelor is Luke's first Bachelor season ever was right when COVID hit was Peter's season. It was a mess. It was a hot mess of a season. It was so much drama.
LUKE: It was amazing.
AMY: And that's why he loved it.
LUKE: It was great.
AMY: And then there's been seasons since that are like less drama filled, but more like--
LUKE: I'm not into it.
AMY: I know, since when, 'cause I like the more serious, and you like the drama.
LUKE: When two or three girls are just like, “she walked in and she said, can I steal him for a second? And I really took that personally. And now I'm gonna scratch her face off.” Like I love the drama, that's what I live for. It partially makes me cringe 'cause it's so ridiculous. But at the same time, you know, it's a whole train wreck. It's awful, but you can't look away. So that was a great season for me, That was my real first exposure.
I had like, I'll see clips on social media or whatever, see commercials for it, watching a basketball game on ABC. But other than that, I had never watched a full episode.
AMY: And that's probably the only full season you've watched. 'Cause ever since then, I can't remember you watching it in an entire another season.
LUKE: I'll dip, I'll kind of dip in and out. The season they did with the two bachelorettes.
AMY: Gabbie and Rachel.
LUKE: Gabbie and Rachel, yeah. I watched most of that one, but I haven't like fully watched any of them, but that's 'cause Peter's season set the bar so high. I mean, there are some crazy people on that season.
AMY: I've watched the rest of them since then, but I will say my personal philosophy with watching "The Bachelor" is I, half the reason I like to watch it is because I like to listen to the recap podcasts.
And let me be clear, not the Bachelor branded Recap podcast. Those are no good, but there's some other ones that are really good that I like to listen to.
LUKE: I didn't even know that was a thing.
AMY: Yes, there's three. There's three Bachelor podcasts. But there's a couple other ones that are actually really good that I watched the recap. So literally like half the reason I watched the Bachelor is to listen to these other people talk about it. But the way that I think about it is boys with sports. You guys watch your football games and then you talk about them for the rest of the week. And that's the kind of the same thing.
It's like, I watch it and it's just like brainless and fun and just entertaining. And then I listen to other people talk about it and then there's another season or another episode.
LUKE: I would argue that sports is not brainless though. Like if you understand the sport.
AMY: Okay, let me not say brainless. Let me say it's distracting from the rest. Like it's a different, using a different part of your brain.
LUKE: If there are any men listening to this podcast right now, please send a social media, an Instagram message or a comment saying, how dare you compare the bachelor to sports (laughing).
AMY: Oh my goodness. I just feel like it functions in the same category your brain source was as bachelorette doesn't mind but maybe just like in my brain it doesn't because when I watch most episodes of the bachelorette I feel like I'm actively losing brain cells and that's how I feel when I watch sports really that's how I feel when I watch like spongebob or family guy how do you want to watch family guy.
Anyways, let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about that. And I just love my bachelor recaps. Love a good podcast. That's what I've been listening to recently. Just like YouTube video podcasts.
LUKE: I mean, you're into your bachelor podcast. I'm into my sports podcast.
AMY: You have a sports podcast. That's what I'm saying. I have one that I keep up with.
Well, this has been something. That's for sure. We hope you've been entertained.
LUKE: We hope so because we weren't.
AMY: Now, hopefully you got to maybe know a little bit more how our brains work. Yeah. Hear a little bit about. You know, how we interact, kind of learn how we hear more about the important stuff. I mean, that's really what this what this episode was all about.
LUKE: We really wanted to just kind of help you guys understand the world and hopefully help you engage in serious conversations with the people around you. (laughing)
Because I'm not on many episodes this season, I'll do the outro.
AMY: Okay, go for it.
LUKE: Thank you so much for listening to this bonus happy hour episode of the Peaceful Entrepreneur Podcast. We would love for you to get involved on social media. We would also like for you to sign up for our email list as well. I can say all of these things fairly well because I've heard them about 20 times when I've been editing.
So hopefully I'm not forgetting anything. But we hope that you come back for season two.
AMY: Woo woo.
LUKE: Coming soon to a theater near you.
AMY: And the other couple episodes that are in season one.
LUKE: Yes, those too. I thought this was gonna be the last episode of the season. So that's why I said that. So that kind of screws that up, sorry. But yeah, thank you for tuning in. Keep on keeping on.
AMY: Good job, Luke. Bravo. See y'all next time.
LUKE: Until next time.
AMY: Bye. Bye.
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. We look forward to connecting with you more, whether that's on Instagram, TikTok or our email list. We'd love to hear what you thought of today's episode. And if you have any additional tips to add, we will see you next week with more tips and tools to becoming a peaceful entrepreneur. Bye for now!